came to pass while they were there the days were fulfilled.” The Bezaen text has no support from any earlier Greek texts and none from the early versions. It would seem that Bezae has been accommodated to the myth of a late arrival on the night of the birth. The transcribers of the Bezae text were more consistent than we are. Our text denies a late night arrival theory and yet we manage to maintain it. 3 Dalmann has a diagram of just such a house from a village near Jerusalem. In this particular instance the entire one room house is in the cave. Cf. Gustaf Dalmann, Arbeit und Sitte in Palästina, Vol. VII (Gütersloh: Hermann Werner, 1940), plate n.40. 4 Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho, LXXIX. Cf. The Writings of Justin Martyr and Athenagoras, trans. by M. Dodds, G. Reith and B.P. Pratten (Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark, 1868), pp. 195–196. 5 Plummer, The Gospel According to S. Luke (Edinburgh: T. and T. Clark, 1922), p, 54 6 Justin Martyr, The First Apology of Justin 1:32; cf. Op. cit., p. 34. 7 Justin Martyr, Dialogue with Trypho, LIII; cf. Op. cit. p. 155. 8 O. Cullmann, “Infancy Gospels: the Protevangelium of James,” in New Testament Apocrypha, Vol. I, ed. by E. Hennecke and W. Schneemelcher (Philadelphia: Westminster, 1963), pp. 383–388. 9 Naboth and his famous vineyard (I Kings 21:1–14) is a classical example of the peasant attachment to the inheritance of his fathers. This same attachment is why Palestinian refugees in the current Middle East cannot simply move elsewhere. 10 K.E. Bailey, Poet and Peasant (Grand Rapids: Wm. Eerdmans, 1976), 147. 11 William Thomson, The Land and the Book, Vol. II (New York: Harper and Brothers, c. 1858, 1871), p. 503. 12 E.F.F. Bishop, Jesus of Palestine (London: Lutterworth Press, 1955), p. 42. In spite of the passage here quoted, in his volume Bishop offers another alternative, that of a shed attached to a village guest house. This ignores the fact that mangers are in homes and the fact that the Holy Family has been in Bethlehem for some time. In a public lecture in Jerusalem in 1958 Bishop reaffirmed his earlier view that the birth was in a private home. 13 Gustaf Dalmann, Sacred Sites and Ways, trans. from the German by Paul P. Levertoff (London: SPCK, 1935), p. 41. 14 G. Dalmann. Arbeit und Sitte in Palästina, plates 1–91. 15 Everyone sleeps on mattresses on the raised terrace floor in the village home, so placing a baby there is perfectly natural. 16 G. Dalmann, Sacred Sites and Ways, p. 41. 17 Ibid. 18 Miller suggests that the birth “was probably unattended” because Mary wraps her own child. Cf. D.G. Miller, Saint Luke (London: SCM, 1959), p. 35. The assumption of Miller’s remark is that the mother in her supposed weakened condition after childbirth would not choose to wrap her own child if she had had assistance. The difficulty with this assumption is that Palestinian peasant women are not physically incapacitated by childbirth. The present writer has heard first-hand accounts of Palestinian peasant women caught in the fields with labor pains who gave birth in the fields and then picked up the newborn child and returned to the village with no unusual
Bronze Age Camel Petroglyphs In The Wadi Nasib, Sinai
This article was first published in the Summer 2000 issue of Bible and Spade. Most scholars believe camels were not domesticated until the end of the second millenium BC. Yet evidence continues to amass that camel domestication was widely known earlier. Randall Younker adds Late Bronze Age I petroglyphs (Greek = rock/carving) depicting domesticated camels from the Sinai to that evidence. Introduction In July 1998, a small party of colleagues from Andrews University,1 undertook an expedition to Wadi Nasib (the valley of the stone altar) to visit Proto-Sinaitic Inscriptions found by Dr. Georg Gerster in 1961 (Gerster 1961: 62; Albright 1966: 3).2 The inscriptions are located on the vertical face of a large rock on the north side of the pass, through the N-S running ridge that serves as the eastern boundary of the Wadi Nasib. The pass itself is at the head of a tributary wadi of the Wadi Nasib that is located immediately east of the bedouin cemetery of Bir Nasib. The settlement of Bir Nasib, proper, is located just to the south of the cemetery. Just east of the cemetery there is a trail (actually several meandering trails) which climb eastward along the edge of this tributary up to the cut or pass. The Proto-Sinaitic inscriptions were easy to find and were found to be still in the same state of preservation as when Gerster first found them. Visiting the Proto-Sinaitic InscriptionsThe actual reading of the inscriptions has been a matter of some discussion. Albright (1966) failed to recognize the fourth column as belonging to the inscription and tried to make sense of only the remaining three. Albright’s transcription was: ‘D ‘[L]T[N] L H B[R] [N]H ‘LW. He translated the inscription as “O father E[l], gra[nt] to Heber re[st] beside him!” Rainey (1975), who was able to personally examine the inscription, subsequently noted that there is a fourth column that Albright ignored or overlooked. Also, he modified the readings of a few of the characters. Rainey’s reading of the whole text is:or Blessing(s) (on/of) ‘Ad(d)a’, chief of the stockades(s), arid (on/of) ‘h[ ... ]. Other scholars have proposed still other variant readings (e.g., Shea 1987). Two meters (six ft) to the right of Gerster No. 1, however, is an Egyptian rock-inscription in the form of a stele from the 20th year of Ammenemes III (Gardiner and Peat 1952; pl. XIV; no.46; 1955: 76).3 This inscription is quite weathered and the surviving portion measures only 20 x 23 cm. It is clear that the inscription was originally written in three horizontal lines of hieroglyphics at the top, while the lower part was divided into six vertical columns. It is these six vertical columns that have pretty much eroded away. The translation of Gardiner and Peet of the surviving top portion of the inscription reads, “Year 20 under the majesty of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt Nema’re’, son of Re’ Ammenemes, living like Re’ eternally” (Gardiner and Peet 1955: 76). The camel’s anatomy led to its value and domestication. Its hump serves for fat storage and probably developed as a body-heater. For water storage, the animal has several sac-shaped extensions in its stomach where liquid can be retained for a long period. Even today camels are bred in the Near East and sell for up to $2,000 each. About 20 cm (2.5 in) to the right of the Ammenemes III stele is the second, brief Proto-Sinaitic inscription (Gerster No. 2).’ Only two characters and part of a third have survived the ravages of time. The two discernable characters include the bull’s head (aleph) and the zigzag (mem). Obviously, there is too little of this inscription to make out a coherent translation. Like Gerster No. 1, this second Proto-Sinaitic inscription is later than the Ammenemes III stele. It is better preserved and the patina is lighter than the Ammenemes III inscription, indicating that Proto-Sinaitic was carved more recently. Most scholars agree that based on the style of the characters and the color of the patRosetta Stone Spanish
the Biblical account.Professor and archaeologist Anson Rainey says of the minimalists:Their view that nothing in Biblical tradition is earlier than th
back to 1450 BC, the approximate date the Bible indicates for the Exodus. He mentions that the documented evidence of foreign slaves at that time in Egypt could well include the Israelites. He also adds that archaeological indications of the destruction of Canaanite cities some 40 years afterward support the account of Joshua’s conquests.But Dr. Wood goes against the current. Although he sits in the forefront of archaeological digs and is excavating what he believes is the Biblical city of Ai, he notes that he can’t get his research published in serious archaeological journals because of an ingrained anti-Bible bias.The tide of scholarly opinion on the Bible has shifted several times in the past centuries. During the later part of the 19th century there was much skepticism of the Bible, but in the 20th century, thanks to astonishing archaeological discoveries supporting the Scriptures, the tide turned somewhat in its favor.U.S. News & World Report religion writer Jeffery Sheler observes:The spirit of post-Enlightenment skepticism unquestionably continues to dominate the Biblical academy. But it is skepticism seemingly less rigid and dogmatic than it has been at times in the past...There are many scholars of a decidedly “secular” nature who nonetheless appreciate the possibility of realities, some which are represented in the Bible, that are beyond the scope of nature and of a natural explanation (1999:14).The Biblical Evidence for the ExodusHow do these factors affect the debate over the Exodus?Although not apparent at first glance, the Biblical account of the Exodus contains many tiny details that place it within a distinct historical and chronological context. Those who ignore this evidence refuse to give the Biblical record a fair hearing.For instance, in the events leading up to the Exodus, the book of Genesis records that Joseph’s brothers sold him for 20 shekels to slave traders who took him from Canaan to Egypt (Gn 37:28). Egyptologist Kenneth Kitchen notes some of the flaws in the logic of those who reject the Biblical Exodus or assign it to unnamed writers many centuries later. He notes that the price of 20 shekels is the price of a slave in the Near East in about the 18th century BC...If all these figures were invented during the Exile (sixth century BC) or in the Persian period by some fiction writer, why isn’t the price for Joseph 90 to 100 shekels, the cost of a slave at the time when that story was supposedly written?...It’s more reasonable to assume that the Biblical data reflect reality in these cases (1995:52).The date of the Exodus can be accurately calculated since the Bible mentions in 1 Kings 6:1 that the fourth year of Solomon’s reign was “the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel had come out of the land of Egypt.” Surprisingly, there is scholarly agreement about the dates of Solomon’s reign, placing his fourth year in the 960s BC. Subtracting 480 years takes us back to a date for the Exodus in the 1440s BC.Another Biblical reference used to date the Exodus is found in Judges, where Jephthah tells the Ammonites that Israel had been in the land for 300 years (Jgs 11:26). Again, there is acceptance among the experts that Jephthah’s victory over the Ammonites took place around 1100 BC. This would place the arrival of the Israelites in Canaan near 1400 BC, precisely 40 years after the Exodus. Thus both Biblical dates for the Exodus agree.In spite of this Biblical evidence, most minimalist scholars believe the Exodus took place around 1260 BC, a date that contradicts the Biblically-derived dates by almost two centuries. Minimalists generally give three main reasons for this later date of the Exodus: (1) the mention of the Israelites’ building of the city of Rameses (Ex 1:11); (2) the archaeological evidence that no sedentary population lived in the Transjordan and Negev regions between 1900 and 1300 BC; and (3) the widespread devastation of cities and towns of central Canaan during the 1260s BC.Let’s consider whether these reasons are grounds for a date that contradicts the Bible.The City of RamesesMany archaeologists assume the city of Rameses was named after Rameses II, a famous Pharaoh who was a great builder. Yet the term Rameses simply means “born of the god Ra” (or Re) and had been used in monuments centuries before the time of Pharaoh Rameses II. The Bible itself mentions the same name when it speaks of Joseph’s sojourn in Egypt, hundreds of years before the reign of Rameses II:So Joseph settled his father and his brothers in Egypt and gave them property in the best part of the land, the district of Rameses, as Pharaoh directed (Gn 47:11).So the argument that Moses lived in the 1200s because the Israelites helped build a city with the name Rameses is not convincing.In fact, Manfred Bietak, the excavator of Rameses (Tell el-Dab’a), has determined that the name of the site at the time the Israelites were there was at first Rowaty, and then later changed to Avaris. The name Rameses was not used until the city was rebuilt by Rameses II in the 13th century. Thus the use of the name Rameses in Exodus 1:11 and Genesis 47:11 is a case where a later Biblical writer updated the text to reflect the changed name of the city, as we see in some other Biblical passages. We have the same situation with regard to Pithom, the other store city named in Exodus 1:11. That name was not in use until the Saite Period, ca. 600 BC.Column fragment with the cartouche (oval with royal name inside) of Rameses II, Qantir, Egypt. Rameses II built a royal center here in the 13th century BC, and from that time on the location was known as Rameses. Earlier, when the Israelites lived there, the city had several different names. When the Biblical text was updated, the older, forgotten, names of the city were replaced with the newer, more familiar, name of Rameses. Bryant Wood.Evidence for SettlementsThe second argument against the traditional date for the Exodus is based mainly on the work of archaeologist Nelson Glueck in the 1930s, which failed to find evidence of permanent
settlements in the Transjordan and the Negev regions
between 1900 and 1300 BC. This region should have shown a sizable presence of Edomites, Ammonites, and Moabites at that time, since the Biblical account mentions their strong opposition to the Israelites.However, more-recent excavations have shown many settlements in the area that Glueck did not find. Archaeologist John Bimson notes thatGlueck’s initial conclusions were definitely wrong [indeed he later retracted them], and it is disappointing to find scholars citing them as if they were still valid evidence. All too often the 13th century date for the Exodus has been perpetuated by the baseless repetition of outmoded views (Bimson and Livingston 1987:44).Widespread DestructionThe third argument used to date the Exodus to the 1200s BC is the archaeological evidence for the destruction of several Canaanite cities during this period. Scholars believe this took place when Joshua invaded and conquered Canaan.Yet, if the traditional 1400s date for the Exodus is maintained, the archaeological evidence seems tRosetta Stone Arabic
settlements in the Transjordan and the Negev regions
between 1900 and 1300 BC. This region should have shown a sizable presence of Edomites, Ammonites, and Moabites at that time, since the Biblical account mentions their strong opposition to the Israelites.However, more-recent excavations have shown many settlements in the area that Glueck did not find. Archaeologist John Bimson notes thatGlueck’s initial conclusions were definitely wrong [indeed he later retracted them], and it is disappointing to find scholars citing them as if they were still valid evidence. All too often the 13th century date for the Exodus has been perpetuated by the baseless repetition of outmoded views (Bimson and Livingston 1987:44).Widespread DestructionThe third argument used to date the Exodus to the 1200s BC is the archaeological evidence for the destruction of several Canaanite cities during this period. Scholars believe this took place when Joshua invaded and conquered Canaan.Yet, if the traditional 1400s date for the Exodus is maintained, the archaeological evidence seems tRosetta Stone Arabic
Among his colleagues to the big-bang theory—irritation and anger. Why, he asked, would scientists, who are supposed to pursue truth and not have
the Biblical account.Professor and archaeologist Anson Rainey says of the minimalists:Their view that nothing in Biblical tradition is earlier than the Persian period [538-332 BC], especially their denial of the existence of a United Monarchy [under Saul, David and Solomon], is a figment of their vain imagination...Biblical scholarship and instruction should completely ignore the “deconstructionist school.” They have nothing to teach us. (Biblical Archaeology Review, November-December 1994:47).The maximalists, on the other hand, believe the Biblical accounts have solid historical and archaeological backing. Long a minority among archaeologists, their numbers are growing, since it seems that every year discoveries are found that support, rather than refute, the Biblical narrative.Archaeologist Bryant Wood is an example of a Biblical maximalist who is slowly turning the tide in favor of the Biblical evidence. He argues that the archaeological data for the Exodus fall into place if the event is dated back to 1450 BC, the approximate date the Bible indicates for the Exodus. He mentions that the documented evidence of foreign slaves at that time in Egypt could well include the Israelites. He also adds that archaeological indications of the destruction of Canaanite cities some 40 years afterward support the account of Joshua’s conquests.But Dr. Wood goes against the current. Although he sits in the forefront of archaeological digs and is excavating what he believes is the Biblical city of Ai, he notes that he can’t get his research published in serious archaeological journals because of an ingrained anti-Bible bias.The tide of scholarly opinion on the Bible has shifted several times in the past centuries. During the later part of the 19th century there was much skepticism of the Bible, but in the 20th century, thanks to astonishing archaeological discoveries supporting the Scriptures, the tide turned somewhat in its favor.U.S. News & World Report religion writer Jeffery Sheler observes:The spirit of post-Enlightenment skepticism unquestionably continues to dominate the Biblical academy. But it is skepticism seemingly less rigid and dogmatic than it has been at times in the past...There are many scholars of a decidedly “secular” nature who nonetheless appreciate the possibility of realities, some which are represented in the Bible, that are beyond the scope of nature and of a natural explanation (1999:14).The Biblical Evidence for the ExodusHow do these factors affect the debate over the Exodus?Although not apparent at first glance, the Biblical account of the Exodus contains many tiny details that place it within a distinct historical and chronological context. Those who ignore this evidence refuse to give the Biblical record a fair hearing.For instance, in the events leading up to the Exodus, the book of Genesis records that Joseph’s brothers sold him for 20 shekels to slave traders who took him from Canaan to Egypt (Gn 37:28). Egyptologist Kenneth Kitchen notes some of the flaws in the logic of those who reject the Biblical Exodus or assign it to unnamed writers many centuries later. He notes that the price of 20 shekels is the price of a slave in the Near East in about the 18th century BC...If all these figures were invented during the Exile (sixth century BC) or in the Persian period by some fiction writer, why isn’t the price for Joseph 90 to 100 shekels, the cost of a slave at the time when that story was supposedly written?...It’s more reasonable to assume that the Biblical data reflect reality in these cases (1995:52).The date of the Exodus can be accurately calculated since the Bible mentions in 1 Kings 6:1 that the fourth year of Solomon’s reign was “the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel had come out of the land of Egypt.” Surprisingly, there is scholarly agreement about the dates of Solomon’s reign, placing his fourth year in the 960s BC. Subtracting 480 years takes us back to a date for the Exodus in the 1440s BC.Another Biblical reference used to date the Exodus is found in Judges, where Jephthah tells the Ammonites that Israel had been in the land for 300 years (Jgs 11:26). Again, there is acceptance among the experts that Jephthah’s victory over the Ammonites took place around 1100 BC. This would place the arrival of the Israelites in Canaan near 1400 BC, precisely 40 years after the Exodus. Thus both Biblical dates for the Exodus agree.In spite of this Biblical evidence, most minimalist scholars believe the Exodus took place around 1260 BC, a date that contradicts the Biblically-derived dates by almost two centuries. Minimalists generally give three main reasons for this later date of the Exodus: (1) the mention of the Israelites’ building of the city of Rameses (Ex 1:11); (2) the archaeological evidence that no sedentary population lived in the Transjordan and Negev regions between 1900 and 1300 BC; and (3) the widespread devastation of cities and towns of central Canaan during the 1260s BC.Let’s consider whether these reasons are grounds for a date that contradicts the Bible.The City of RamesesMany archaeologists assume the city of Rameses was named after Rameses II, a famous Pharaoh who was a great builder. Yet the term Rameses simply means “born of the god Ra” (or Re) and had been used in monuments centuries before the time of Pharaoh Rameses II. The Bible itself mentions the same name when it speaks of Joseph’s sojourn in Egypt, hundreds of years before the reign of Rameses II:So Joseph settled his father and his brothers in Egypt and gave them property in the best part of the land, the district of Rameses, as Pharaoh directed (Gn 47:11).So the argument that Moses lived in the 1200s because the Israelites helped build a city with the name Rameses is not convincing.In fact, Manfred Bietak, the excavator of Rameses (Tell el-Dab’a), has determined that the name of the site at the time the Israelites were there was at first Rowaty, and then later changed to Avaris. The name Rameses was not used until the city was rebuilt by Rameses II in the 13th century. Thus the use of the name Rameses in Exodus 1:11 and Genesis 47:11 is a case where a later Biblical writer updated the text to reflect the changed name of the city, as we see in some other Biblical passages. We have the same situation with regard to Pithom, the other store city named in Exodus 1:11. That name was not in use until the Saite Period, ca. 600 BC.Column fragment with the cartouche (oval with royal name inside) of Rameses II, Qantir, Egypt. Rameses II built a royal center here in the 13th century BC, and from that time on the location was known as Rameses. Earlier, when the Israelites lived there, the city had several different names. When the Biblical text was updated, the older, forgotten, names of the city were replaced with the newer, more familiar, name of Rameses. Bryant Wood.Evidence for SettlementsThe second argument against the traditional date for the Exodus is based mainly on the work of archaeologist Nelson Glueck in the 1930s, which failed to find evidence of permanent
settlements in the Transjordan and the Negev regions
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settlements in the Transjordan and the Negev regions
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Earthquakes on the Increase? Or Warning of Judgment to come?
Earthquakes are awesome natural phenomena that intrigue geologists who study them and terrorize victims who experience them. People caught in an earthquake often refer to it as one of the most terrifying experiences of their lifetimes. An earthquake with its epicenter at Northridge in the San Fernando Valley, north of Los Angeles, California, jolted people awake in the early morning hours of January 17, 1994. The quake rumbled for 30 seconds.This earthquake was the second-costliest natural disaster in America behind Hurricane Andrew. The quake measured 6.8 on the Richter scale, with 62 deaths and over 9,000 injuries. Twenty thousand people were left homeless, 10,000 homes were destroyed, and another 46,000 were damaged. Experiencing this earthquake and the aftermath was traumatic. A friend of mine, Jessica, experienced the earthquake and relates this account.“I’m a native of Los Angeles, which translates into one fact: I’ve been through many earthquakes. As a little girl, the 1971 Sylmar shaker, measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale, toppled a small statue in my parents’ house and knocked my doll collection to the floor. Several years ago the Whittier earthquake got my blood pumping enough to finally put together an earthquake survival kit: a can of tuna fish, a can of pineapple chunks, some Band-Aids and a sewing kit. Well, even if I remembered where my simple earthquake kit was hidden, it certainly would not have done me any good on January 17, 1994. After the 6.8 shaker, which left me feeling dizzy for days as the ground continued to rock and sway like a drunken sailor, I was in no mood to eat or sew!“The truth is, nothing prepared me for that morning. I was fast asleep. Suddenly, I felt the shaking and heard a loud noise and woke up. One would have thought I would have jumped out of bed immediately, but I was an old earthquake pro. Thoughts of riding out the quake under the warmth of my blankets crossed my mind. But the shaking got stronger and the noise more intense. My adrenaline kicked in. Leaping out of bed I discovered that the house was rocking so hard I could not move. The cacophony of sounds was frightening. Car alarms blasting, dishes crashing to the floor, buildings cracking, windows blowing out. Through it all, the sound of the earth, belching with a mighty jolt from its bowels, struck terror to my heart. It was a horrible sound. One which no one could ignore. A noise which woke up each and every one of us.“There was no question in my mind that this was an earthquake. If what I was feeling in Sherman Oaks was so strong that I could not even walk because the floor was moving so violently, I wondered what it must have been like at the epicenter. My fear was that hundreds of people must have died there. When the shaking finally stopped, I simply stood there, trapped by a mountain of books. Quietly I gave thanks to the Lord because I had survived. I would like to say that my faith prevented fear, but to be honest, I was petrified. My mouth was so dry I could barely speak. My limbs felt like rubber. My thoughts turned to my family, scattered in various parts of L.A. Were they hurt? Or the unmentionable, were they dead?“The earthquake of January 17th made every previous quake I had been through seem like a gentle tap. Minutes, hours and days passed. Neighbors screamed, cried and evacuated.Homes were condemned as unsafe and uninhabitable by the city. It turned out that my neighborhood, only a few miles from the epicenter, was one of the worst streets in the earthquake.It was later named one of the 14 ghost towns, an eerie souvenir of January 17th. Almost every building on my street was “red tagged.” This meant that people had to pack up and leave their homes behind. Yet there was one townhouse building, comprised of forty units, which had the overall structure and foundation left intact and deemed safe. That was my home. I knew that the Lord had not only saved my life, but also spared my home. I got on my knees and thanked Him with a grateful heart, ‘Thank you Lord, for Your hand of protection upon me.’”EARTHQUAKES AND BIBLE PROPHECY Earthquakes play a role in Bible prophecy. They are mentioned in the book of Revelation (6:12-17; 8:5; 11:13,19; 16:16-21) as well as the books of Isaiah (2:19,21; 5:25; 24:19), Ezekiel (38:19,20), Joel (2:10; 3:16) and Zechariah (14:4,5). A number of prophecy teachers point to what they assume to be an increase in the number of earthquakes and associate these quakes with the words of Jesus to show we are in, or near, the last days (cf. Matt. 24:7). As one writer puts it, “One of the major birthpangs Jesus predicted would increase in frequency and intensity shortly before His return is earthquakes” (Lindsey 1994: 83). Two questions should be raised: First, has there actually been an increase in earthquake activities? And second, does Jesus really say there will be an increase in earthquakes before He returns?In order to understand the purpose of earthquakes in the End Times, one must examine God’s purpose for earthquakes in history. In the middle of the 8th century BC, the “Big One” hit the Middle East. Let us examine the biblical record and the archaeological evidence for this earthquake.THE EARTHQUAKE IN THE DAYS OF THE PROPHET AMOS AND KING UZZIAHMy study of this earthquake began during the summer of 1987 when I was working on the excavation at Tel Lachish in the Shephelah of Judah. One day I got “Sennacherib’s revenge” (that is the Middle East version of “Montezuma’s revenge”) and was confined to bed, except for the occasional “turkey trot” to the outhouse in the eucalyptus grove some 160 feet (50 meters) from our camp. Trying to keep from getting bored, I began reading the excavation report from Tel Sheva and came across a reference to the earthquake in the days of King Uzziah.There is considerable evidence to suggest that the earthquake in the days of King Uzziah dealt considerable damage to the Middle East. Dr. Yohanan Aharoni identifies Tel Sheva as biblical Beer Sheva. Aharoni suggests that Stratum III (the third level of occupation) was partially destroyed by an earthquake during the days of King Uzziah, but quickly rebuilt by its inhabitants (1973: 107,108). The excavator at Tel Lachish concluded that the same earthquake destroyed Stratum IV. When I returned home at the end of the summer, I compiled a list of sites which where effected by this earthquake. The list raised the questions, “What does this mean? Can we tell anything about this earthquake? Where was the epicenter? How strong was it?” For answers, I turned to my friend Dr. Steve Austin, a geologist at the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego. I gave him the list of sites with copies of the excavation reports and asked the question, “What does this all mean?” His reply was intriguing and exciting.The Archaeological EvidenceThe most vivid archaeological evidence for this earthquake was unearthed at Hazor, in the northern part of Israel, during the 1956 season. The area supervisor, the late Prof. Y. Aharoni,
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10 Mar 11 Four Reasons Why You Should Establish Good Values
Four Reasons Why You Should Establish Good ValuesBy: danica .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet Establishing good values can affect different aspects of your life, act as a guiding force that will give you purpose and meaning, determine how other people will perceive you and help make you a more conscious and caring human being.Values are mental, not material. Our parents and other important people in our lives help determine the value system we adopt. Our values might be the sum of our past experiences, education and knowledge, or they may be taken from our religious beliefs. Ethics and moral standards are not tangible. Nevertheless, they are an important aspect of our characters and reflect who we are. The way we act, how we carry out our daily routines, the choices we make, and our responses to situations all reflect the values we hold. The following contains reasons for why establishing strong values is necessary.Values can affect the different aspects of lifeValues can significantly affect the different aspects of your life. The basis upon which you make decisions, whether very silly or very important, depends on the values you possess. You will find that you feel better when you make choices that are in line with your values. If, however, you do something that is contrary to your own personal belief system, you bee anxious, restless and uneasy.Values bee our driving force and guidePersonal values show what is essential to an individual They develop into an important driver in one's life and lead him as he goes about his daily tasks. An example of this is how a man who cares about his family and the responsibilities he has to his relatives will make choices that are beneficial to his home and to himself. His life's direction and his goals will be in line with his concern for his family. Organizations also function in much the same way. The value system of a pany is a guidepost for both employees and management in terms of the decisions they make and the approach they take with respect to job performance.Your values have a role in the ways others see youThere's so many ways that you behave, interact and make decisions, and they all e from how deep rooted one's values are. Other people base their impressions of you on the set of values that you portray. You will be able to impress your families, friends, co-workers and neighbors to a level based on the values for which you stand forYou are a reflection of your value systemWithout values we will all function like robots, unfeeling and insensitive to other things beyond our own basic needs. We will disrespect truths and meaningfulness in life, and we will lead hopeless and insignificant existences. Values are what make you human; they enhance your life and give it meaning. You are considered animate because of them. Values give you a sense of purpose and teach accountability for the choices that you make and how to effectively deal with others.Though abstract, they are an integral part of your persona. This is the reason why there are many people who are willing to sacrifice or devote their lives to the values that they hold dear.Article Source: abcarticledirectoryTo know more about the importance of what are personal values and establishing them, visit best-of-time-managementvalues.htm. online at best-of-time-managementvalues.htm.Note: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, danicaRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Auditing via RSS!Additional Articles From - Home Accounting AuditingWhat you need to know about Auditing from the experts.- By : john newportCulture and business proposition- By : foxhatsNavigating Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions- By : Sawyer AdamsAbout The National Association Of Enrolled Agents (NAEA)- By : Sawyer AdamsThe History Of Enrolled Agents- By : Sawyer AdamsThe Canon Sd780is Black Silver Gold Red - Very Nice Christmas Gift- By : ArticleSubmit AutoIRS Increasing Enforcement Activity- By : Sawyer AdamsDestination Military Surplus Products- By : Ali Khan5 Tips For Getting The Right Health Insurance For Your Needs- By : danica12 Quick Tips For Eye Shadow- By : Ali Khan Still Searching? Last Chance to find what you're looking for. Try using Bing Search!
5 Mar 11 Affiliate Marketing For Beginners Part 2
Affiliate Marketing For Beginners Part 2By: Mark Fynn .... Click author's name to view profile and articles!!!Retargeting by ChangoTweet One of the biggest mistake affiliate marketers can make is to get involved in a program just because the commissions are high, such as Loans, Mortgages and the Forex market for example. They know nothing about these financial industries and they have no intention of learning about them either. They just want a part of the action for financial reasons alone, and nothing more. Put up a basic web site, add some free topical articles written by NHL Jersey
someone else, add the affiliate banners and then wait for the commission checks to come rolling in. This time next year you could be a millionaire!The harsh truth is that if you plan your business around the above example then you are doomed to failure from the very beginning. If you like the concept of affiliate marketing and have made the decision that you would like to get involved then you first need to do some serious research. The work you do at the very beginning, such as looking into the areas you are personally interested in, and the affiliate programs available, will be the foundation of a successful business.When I mentioned the areas that you are personally interested in I meant it specifically. You need to get a pen and paper or open up a word document on your computer and make a list. This list will outline every subject, pastime and hobby you are interested in, no matter how vague it may be. Do not get distracted thinking about big commissions or what is in vogue at the moment. If it is of personal interest to you then make a note.Once you have made your list I would take some time to visit Commission Junction and Linkshare and any other affiliate network that takes your fancy. Now compare your list to the list of affiliate programs available. This marriage of convenience will ensure that you have the right combination. You are promoting a product or service for a Company as an affiliate in an area that you are personally interested in. This is one of the easiest research tests you will make and will ensure that your affiliate marketing business gets off to a good, sound start.There are many reasons for doing this test. It will firstly confirm that there are affiliate programs out there that cover your passion. If you are going to take the trouble to build a web site from scratch as part of your business then you need to ensure that there are various income streams available. Ignore the amounts of commission on offer for now. You just need to confirm that money can be made promoting these products or services.To find this out you can do another free research test on the pay-per-click advertising on Google and Yahoo. Type in some of your main keywords and do a search on Google first. If you see paid advertisers on the right then make a note of them and what they are selling or you can print the page. Go Montreal Canadiens jersey
to page two of the search results and do the exact same thing. Repeat the exercise on Yahoo. After 1-week do the same test and see who is continuing to advertise. If the same advertisers are there after 1-week then this will tell you they are making money in the area of affiliate marketing that you are interested in. If you get negative or less than convincing results then you can either do more in depth research or choose another area.So you have chosen a niche in an area that you are personally interested in and you have seen from the results of your initial research that other web sites seem to be making money in the same business. But how are these other business selling to their market and what products and services are they promoting? You now need to spy on the possible future competition. Dont forget you are doing this before you have invested one penny, so this is free, valuable information. You need to open up a word document and add tables or you can use a spreadsheet if you wish. Make lots of columns where you can add data for each web site you spy on. What is your first impression of the web site? The loading speed, layout, colors and information? What are they selling and for how much? Do they have an opt-in form? How about a newsletter? Any bonuses on offer? Where are they ranked on the search engines, how many link partners, page rank etc. Just write or type what you see and make a note of all the pluses, minuses and where you consider changes could be made for improvement.Do the same for at least 10 competing web sites, though the more web sites you compare the better. Now you can check the results. This will inform you immediately if there is room for you to build a web site and compete in the exact same market. It is very rare for the top 10 web sites to be perfect on any search engine results page so there is always room for improvement. This research will give you lots of ideas when it comes to building you web site.Dont forget you are already an authority on the topic because this is your personal interest so you will know immediately if the web site owner has a real passion for the subject. This is why I mentioned and endorsed in the beginning to only get involved in affiliate marketing areas that are of particular interest to you. This is how you can dominate a market by writing articles, web site and blog content, newsletters etc. Take it from me, your web site visitors are not stupid and they will know immediately if you have a passion and the knowledge on the topic. This is the basis of affiliate marketing success. Once you have the respect and trust of your web site visitors you have the making of a very successful affiliate marketing business.Article Source: Mark Fynn has been involved in affiliate marketing since 1998 and has written many articles on the subject. www.thesuperaffiliate.comNote: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Mark FynnRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Affiliate Programs What Cloth Diaper Provides The Top Match For Newborns?- By : mirtagaylWhat is Affiliate Marketing and Why You Should Do It?- By : James A AndersonEarning Money Quickly With Email Marketing - True or False?- By : chad buistMoney Creating Tips For Individuals Involved In An Online Affiliate Marketing Home Business- By : Johnny BarrellGlobal Success Club Canadiens jersey
And How To Make Money Online- By : Don SeanMake Cash Over The Internet With Affiliate Marketing- By : Leroy WheelerWhich Affiliate Networks To Look Out For When Promoting ?- By : Elsa Braxton Still Searching? Last Chance to find what you're looking for. Try using Bing Search!
someone else, add the affiliate banners and then wait for the commission checks to come rolling in. This time next year you could be a millionaire!The harsh truth is that if you plan your business around the above example then you are doomed to failure from the very beginning. If you like the concept of affiliate marketing and have made the decision that you would like to get involved then you first need to do some serious research. The work you do at the very beginning, such as looking into the areas you are personally interested in, and the affiliate programs available, will be the foundation of a successful business.When I mentioned the areas that you are personally interested in I meant it specifically. You need to get a pen and paper or open up a word document on your computer and make a list. This list will outline every subject, pastime and hobby you are interested in, no matter how vague it may be. Do not get distracted thinking about big commissions or what is in vogue at the moment. If it is of personal interest to you then make a note.Once you have made your list I would take some time to visit Commission Junction and Linkshare and any other affiliate network that takes your fancy. Now compare your list to the list of affiliate programs available. This marriage of convenience will ensure that you have the right combination. You are promoting a product or service for a Company as an affiliate in an area that you are personally interested in. This is one of the easiest research tests you will make and will ensure that your affiliate marketing business gets off to a good, sound start.There are many reasons for doing this test. It will firstly confirm that there are affiliate programs out there that cover your passion. If you are going to take the trouble to build a web site from scratch as part of your business then you need to ensure that there are various income streams available. Ignore the amounts of commission on offer for now. You just need to confirm that money can be made promoting these products or services.To find this out you can do another free research test on the pay-per-click advertising on Google and Yahoo. Type in some of your main keywords and do a search on Google first. If you see paid advertisers on the right then make a note of them and what they are selling or you can print the page. Go Montreal Canadiens jersey
to page two of the search results and do the exact same thing. Repeat the exercise on Yahoo. After 1-week do the same test and see who is continuing to advertise. If the same advertisers are there after 1-week then this will tell you they are making money in the area of affiliate marketing that you are interested in. If you get negative or less than convincing results then you can either do more in depth research or choose another area.So you have chosen a niche in an area that you are personally interested in and you have seen from the results of your initial research that other web sites seem to be making money in the same business. But how are these other business selling to their market and what products and services are they promoting? You now need to spy on the possible future competition. Dont forget you are doing this before you have invested one penny, so this is free, valuable information. You need to open up a word document and add tables or you can use a spreadsheet if you wish. Make lots of columns where you can add data for each web site you spy on. What is your first impression of the web site? The loading speed, layout, colors and information? What are they selling and for how much? Do they have an opt-in form? How about a newsletter? Any bonuses on offer? Where are they ranked on the search engines, how many link partners, page rank etc. Just write or type what you see and make a note of all the pluses, minuses and where you consider changes could be made for improvement.Do the same for at least 10 competing web sites, though the more web sites you compare the better. Now you can check the results. This will inform you immediately if there is room for you to build a web site and compete in the exact same market. It is very rare for the top 10 web sites to be perfect on any search engine results page so there is always room for improvement. This research will give you lots of ideas when it comes to building you web site.Dont forget you are already an authority on the topic because this is your personal interest so you will know immediately if the web site owner has a real passion for the subject. This is why I mentioned and endorsed in the beginning to only get involved in affiliate marketing areas that are of particular interest to you. This is how you can dominate a market by writing articles, web site and blog content, newsletters etc. Take it from me, your web site visitors are not stupid and they will know immediately if you have a passion and the knowledge on the topic. This is the basis of affiliate marketing success. Once you have the respect and trust of your web site visitors you have the making of a very successful affiliate marketing business.Article Source: Mark Fynn has been involved in affiliate marketing since 1998 and has written many articles on the subject. www.thesuperaffiliate.comNote: The content of this article solely conveys the opinion of its author, Mark FynnRetargeting by ChangoDid You Like This Article? Share It With YourFriends!Please Rate this Article 5 out of 54 out of 53 out of 52 out of 51 out of 5 Not yet Rated Click the XML Icon to Receive Free Articles About Affiliate Programs What Cloth Diaper Provides The Top Match For Newborns?- By : mirtagaylWhat is Affiliate Marketing and Why You Should Do It?- By : James A AndersonEarning Money Quickly With Email Marketing - True or False?- By : chad buistMoney Creating Tips For Individuals Involved In An Online Affiliate Marketing Home Business- By : Johnny BarrellGlobal Success Club Canadiens jersey
And How To Make Money Online- By : Don SeanMake Cash Over The Internet With Affiliate Marketing- By : Leroy WheelerWhich Affiliate Networks To Look Out For When Promoting ?- By : Elsa Braxton Still Searching? Last Chance to find what you're looking for. Try using Bing Search!
24 Jan 11 College Football Pick Tennessee at LSU 10-2-10
Chris Graythen/Getty ImagesTennessee Volunteers at LSU Tigers (-16)Saturday October 2, 2010 3:30 PM ESTLSU comes into this SEC game with a 4-0 record while Tennessee comes in at 2-2. LSU also comes in with the #12 ranking. LSU last week beat a ranked West Virginia team 20-14. Tennessee hasJacksonville Jaguars jersey
handled its non-ranked opponents, while losing to ranked Oregon and Florida at home. This is the first road game for the Volunteers.This is not the time nor the place for the Volunteers road opener. LSU brings into this game the 5th ranked defense, only allowing 12 points a game. QB Jordan Jefferson has struggled for LSU but this should be a favorable matchup at home vs a Tennessee defense that ranks 81st in the nation in points against with 27. Look for Jefferson to hand the ball off to Junior RB Stevan Ridley early and often. Ridley has 434 yard rushing this year with 3 TDs to lead the 35th ranked rushing attack.Look for the LSU crowd to be loud. Also look for the Tennessee offense to be very out of sync vs this 5th ranked defense of the Tigers. WIth football picks, you hardly ever want to take the road team. In Kansas City Chiefs jersey
this instance you donwant to take a team making its first road trip to a top 15 team with a top 5 defense. This all spells disaster for Tennessee. Look for Jordan Jefferson to do just enough to have these running backs run wild.Free College Football Pick: LSU (-16) This article is also featured onSports Picks
handled its non-ranked opponents, while losing to ranked Oregon and Florida at home. This is the first road game for the Volunteers.This is not the time nor the place for the Volunteers road opener. LSU brings into this game the 5th ranked defense, only allowing 12 points a game. QB Jordan Jefferson has struggled for LSU but this should be a favorable matchup at home vs a Tennessee defense that ranks 81st in the nation in points against with 27. Look for Jefferson to hand the ball off to Junior RB Stevan Ridley early and often. Ridley has 434 yard rushing this year with 3 TDs to lead the 35th ranked rushing attack.Look for the LSU crowd to be loud. Also look for the Tennessee offense to be very out of sync vs this 5th ranked defense of the Tigers. WIth football picks, you hardly ever want to take the road team. In Kansas City Chiefs jersey
this instance you donwant to take a team making its first road trip to a top 15 team with a top 5 defense. This all spells disaster for Tennessee. Look for Jordan Jefferson to do just enough to have these running backs run wild.Free College Football Pick: LSU (-16) This article is also featured onSports Picks
22 Jan 11 ACC Football: Monday Morning One-Liners
Kevin C. Cox/Getty ImagesBoston College head coach Frank Spaziani knows that Virginia Tech1-2 record is no indication of their talent. Clemson played Auburn tough in an overtime loss, but head coach Dabo Swinney is finding all the positives he can. Duke surrendered helplessly to their overpowering opponent, Alabama, on Saturday. With dominating performances on both sides of the ball, Florida State crushed BYU 34-10 on Saturday. Georgia Techwin over North Carolina was nearly perfect in terms of gaining an edge in the ACC, and using it as a stepping stone for improvement. Maryland lost by two touchdowns to the Big Eastbest in West Virginia on Saturday. After being told to end his Twitter reign, Miami quarterback Jacory Harris has come forward saying he has received at least one piece of Reebok Green Bay Packers 21 Charles Woodson Realtree camo Jersey
hate-Twit, hate-Twittering, hate-mail, Twitter-hate. Despite being down twelve players for yet another game, North Carolina played Georgia Tech extremely tough on Saturday in a 30-24 loss. North Carolina State came away with a very impressive win over Cincinnati last Thursday night. If you checked the Virginia Tech-East Carolina box score on Saturday sometime around halftime, you probably laughed to yourself at one point. But, the Hokies outscored the Pirates 25-6 in the second half to beat ECU and record their first win of the year. Stanford nearly put up 70 points on Wake Forestdefense on Saturday. The Demon Deacons have now given up 116 points over their past two games.
hate-Twit, hate-Twittering, hate-mail, Twitter-hate. Despite being down twelve players for yet another game, North Carolina played Georgia Tech extremely tough on Saturday in a 30-24 loss. North Carolina State came away with a very impressive win over Cincinnati last Thursday night. If you checked the Virginia Tech-East Carolina box score on Saturday sometime around halftime, you probably laughed to yourself at one point. But, the Hokies outscored the Pirates 25-6 in the second half to beat ECU and record their first win of the year. Stanford nearly put up 70 points on Wake Forestdefense on Saturday. The Demon Deacons have now given up 116 points over their past two games.
18 Jan 11 Maryland-FIU: Terps Welcome Golden Panthers in Final Tune-Up Before ACC Play
Elsa/Getty ImagesAfter a disappointing 31-17 loss to West Virginia in Morgantown, WV, the Maryland Terrapins (2-0) are back in College Park, MD gearing up for the Florida International Golden Panthers (0-2).The Terrapins will be televised this Saturday at 12:00 pm ET on ESPNU for the second straight week.Florida International comes to College Park with a very deceiving 0-2 record. In their two losses this season against Rutgers and Texas AM, the Golden Panther were outscored by only 12 points.The Golden Panthers led Texas AM 20-6 before the Aggies went New York Jets jersey
on to score 21 unanswered points in the fourth quarter.The Golden Panthers suffered a similar defeat to Rutgers to open the season. Going into the fourth quarter, the Golden Panthers led the Scarlet Knights 14-13 before Mohamed Sanu scored what ended up being the game-winning touchdown two minutes into the fourth quarter.The Golden Panthers are led by transfer quarterback Wesley Carroll. In his freshman season at Mississippi State, Carroll threw for 1,392 yards and nine touchdowns, earning a spot on the ALL-SEC freshman team. Carroll transferred to FIU after losing the starting job to Tyson Lee in 2008.Carroll made his FIU debut against Rutgers on Sept. 11. Through two games, the Fort Lauderdale native has thrown for 283 yards with two touchdowns and three interceptions. Carrollstruggles at Mississippi State can be attributed to his combined 50 percent completion percentage at both Mississippi State and FIU and 19 interceptions thrown in 21 games.The Terrapins enter Saturdaygame with the ninth best pass defense in the country, giving up 129 yards a game. It should be noted that the Navy Midshipmen quarterback Ricky Dobbs only attempted 10 passes while picking up over 400 yards on the ground.The Terrapins' ninth-ranked pass defense has also given up four touchdowns through the air.Marylanddefense shouldered most of the blame for last Saturdayloss to West Virginia. The Terrapins were only able to close in on the Mountaineers' overwhelming lead after a long awaited breakout game from receiver Torrey Smith.Smith entered last weekgame with four catches for 47 yards. Maryland entered the second half of the West Virginia game down 21-0, and Smith had only one reception for nine yards. After falling behind 28-0 early in the second half, Smith struck for Marylandfirst score of Oakland Raiders jersey
the game on a 60-yard touchdown reception from Jamarr Robinson.Robinson later led Smith across the middle of the field for an 80-yard catch and run touchdown. Smith finished the game with three catches for 149 yards and two touchdowns.Running backs Davin Meggett and DaRel Scott have combined for 291 yards to pace the Terps' rushing attack. Scott and Meggett were unable to get anything going on the ground against the Mountaineers. The duo carried the ball 13 times for 36 yards.Junior quarterback Jamarr Robinson, the third member of Marylandtrio, has rushed for 88 yards and has showed his ability to create plays downfield with his legs. Robinson rushed for 92 yards in the season-opening win over Navy. However, with Maryland giving up eight sacks this year, Robinsonrushing stats can be overlooked.The Terrapins showed their inability to stop the run last week against West Virginia in giving up 201 rushing yards to the Mountaineers.Marylandrush defense will be tested again this Saturday. FIU is led by sophomore running back Jeremiah Harden. At only 5'9" Harden poses a threat to Marylanddefense after Maryland has showed its struggles with short, agile running backs.Harden has rushed for 145 yards so far through two games. Maryland's rush defense has given up an average of over 200 yards this year.Marylandrush defense can be fixed. A lot of the Terps' struggles on the defensive side of the ball can be attributed to technique. However, the outcome of the FIU game will probably not yield any sign whether Maryland has made reliable progress.The Philadelphia Eagles jersey
Golden Panthers could hurt the Terps similar to how Middle Tennessee State has in recent years if the Terrapins overlook the Panthers' 0-2 record.Saturdaygame could end up becoming a defensive struggle for both teams. Neither team has yet to air it out this season; Saturday could turn into a game of field possession and blocking. As most field possession games go, the team that does not turn the ball over could most likely come away with the victory.
on to score 21 unanswered points in the fourth quarter.The Golden Panthers suffered a similar defeat to Rutgers to open the season. Going into the fourth quarter, the Golden Panthers led the Scarlet Knights 14-13 before Mohamed Sanu scored what ended up being the game-winning touchdown two minutes into the fourth quarter.The Golden Panthers are led by transfer quarterback Wesley Carroll. In his freshman season at Mississippi State, Carroll threw for 1,392 yards and nine touchdowns, earning a spot on the ALL-SEC freshman team. Carroll transferred to FIU after losing the starting job to Tyson Lee in 2008.Carroll made his FIU debut against Rutgers on Sept. 11. Through two games, the Fort Lauderdale native has thrown for 283 yards with two touchdowns and three interceptions. Carrollstruggles at Mississippi State can be attributed to his combined 50 percent completion percentage at both Mississippi State and FIU and 19 interceptions thrown in 21 games.The Terrapins enter Saturdaygame with the ninth best pass defense in the country, giving up 129 yards a game. It should be noted that the Navy Midshipmen quarterback Ricky Dobbs only attempted 10 passes while picking up over 400 yards on the ground.The Terrapins' ninth-ranked pass defense has also given up four touchdowns through the air.Marylanddefense shouldered most of the blame for last Saturdayloss to West Virginia. The Terrapins were only able to close in on the Mountaineers' overwhelming lead after a long awaited breakout game from receiver Torrey Smith.Smith entered last weekgame with four catches for 47 yards. Maryland entered the second half of the West Virginia game down 21-0, and Smith had only one reception for nine yards. After falling behind 28-0 early in the second half, Smith struck for Marylandfirst score of Oakland Raiders jersey
the game on a 60-yard touchdown reception from Jamarr Robinson.Robinson later led Smith across the middle of the field for an 80-yard catch and run touchdown. Smith finished the game with three catches for 149 yards and two touchdowns.Running backs Davin Meggett and DaRel Scott have combined for 291 yards to pace the Terps' rushing attack. Scott and Meggett were unable to get anything going on the ground against the Mountaineers. The duo carried the ball 13 times for 36 yards.Junior quarterback Jamarr Robinson, the third member of Marylandtrio, has rushed for 88 yards and has showed his ability to create plays downfield with his legs. Robinson rushed for 92 yards in the season-opening win over Navy. However, with Maryland giving up eight sacks this year, Robinsonrushing stats can be overlooked.The Terrapins showed their inability to stop the run last week against West Virginia in giving up 201 rushing yards to the Mountaineers.Marylandrush defense will be tested again this Saturday. FIU is led by sophomore running back Jeremiah Harden. At only 5'9" Harden poses a threat to Marylanddefense after Maryland has showed its struggles with short, agile running backs.Harden has rushed for 145 yards so far through two games. Maryland's rush defense has given up an average of over 200 yards this year.Marylandrush defense can be fixed. A lot of the Terps' struggles on the defensive side of the ball can be attributed to technique. However, the outcome of the FIU game will probably not yield any sign whether Maryland has made reliable progress.The Philadelphia Eagles jersey
Golden Panthers could hurt the Terps similar to how Middle Tennessee State has in recent years if the Terrapins overlook the Panthers' 0-2 record.Saturdaygame could end up becoming a defensive struggle for both teams. Neither team has yet to air it out this season; Saturday could turn into a game of field possession and blocking. As most field possession games go, the team that does not turn the ball over could most likely come away with the victory.
15 Jan 11 St. Louis Rams "Smash-mouth football is the only way Rams can beat Washington"
This is one of those no-brainers on which you can bet the house and feel safe in knowing that you;ll win. The 0-4 St. Louis Rams traveling to Washington to face the 4-1 Redskins this weekend is sure money, right?But before you put this game in the 'L' column for St. Louis, remember that NFL can be a crazy place. How can the Rams beat the Redskins? Let us count the ways.Commentary: Should the Rams lose to the Redskins? Definitely. Will the Rams lose to the Redskins? Probably. But there is a reason that they play the games, and Sunday in Washington will be no Buffalo Bills jersey
different. The first thing the St. Louis has to do to have a shot against the Redskins is to get Steven Jackson going early. Jackson, one of the best running backs in the NFL, has started slowly after his protracted holdout during the preseason. Jackson has improved each week, rushing for 40, 53, 66 and 110 yards in the Rams; four games. If Jackson can establish himself early, it will allow quarterback Marc Bulger to keep the Redskins off-balance with his passing.The Rams also have to contain Clinton Portis to have any chance of beating Washington. The Redskins are fifth in the league in rushing yards per game, thanks mainly to Portis; 514 yards and four touchdowns. Washington quarterback Jason Campbell isn;t the type of player who looks to pass first and run later. If the Rams can force Campbell to pass more often, they will have a chance at the upset. Campbell only has six touchdown passes in five games, but he also has yet to throw an interception. Campbell is smart and doesn;t force the ball or make bad decisions.Fan Pulse: Utilizing Jackson to pound the Redskins is the only way fans think the Rams have any reason for hope in Washington. While the odds are against them, there are still some loyal Rams fans who want to believe their team has a shot.Fantasy Football Impact: If you own Jackson in your fantasy Carolina Panthers jersey
football league, continue to play him. Despite the Rams; dismal offense thus far this season, Jackson is a sure bet to post decent fantasy numbers. Expect Torry Holt and Bulger to start to resemble their more normal fantasy numbers in the coming weeks, but you might want to wait to start them unless your regulars are on a bye week.Injury Watch: Tight end Randy McMichael is done for the season with his broken leg. The Rams are thin at the receiver position, with Drew Bennett, Dane Looker and Keenan Burton all out with injuries. Eddie Kennison re-signed to help out, but don;t look for anything special from him this week. (4)
different. The first thing the St. Louis has to do to have a shot against the Redskins is to get Steven Jackson going early. Jackson, one of the best running backs in the NFL, has started slowly after his protracted holdout during the preseason. Jackson has improved each week, rushing for 40, 53, 66 and 110 yards in the Rams; four games. If Jackson can establish himself early, it will allow quarterback Marc Bulger to keep the Redskins off-balance with his passing.The Rams also have to contain Clinton Portis to have any chance of beating Washington. The Redskins are fifth in the league in rushing yards per game, thanks mainly to Portis; 514 yards and four touchdowns. Washington quarterback Jason Campbell isn;t the type of player who looks to pass first and run later. If the Rams can force Campbell to pass more often, they will have a chance at the upset. Campbell only has six touchdown passes in five games, but he also has yet to throw an interception. Campbell is smart and doesn;t force the ball or make bad decisions.Fan Pulse: Utilizing Jackson to pound the Redskins is the only way fans think the Rams have any reason for hope in Washington. While the odds are against them, there are still some loyal Rams fans who want to believe their team has a shot.Fantasy Football Impact: If you own Jackson in your fantasy Carolina Panthers jersey
football league, continue to play him. Despite the Rams; dismal offense thus far this season, Jackson is a sure bet to post decent fantasy numbers. Expect Torry Holt and Bulger to start to resemble their more normal fantasy numbers in the coming weeks, but you might want to wait to start them unless your regulars are on a bye week.Injury Watch: Tight end Randy McMichael is done for the season with his broken leg. The Rams are thin at the receiver position, with Drew Bennett, Dane Looker and Keenan Burton all out with injuries. Eddie Kennison re-signed to help out, but don;t look for anything special from him this week. (4)
14 Jan 11 Carolina Panthers Tight Ends Kris Mangum Steve Smith Jake Delhomme
Quick, name at least one of the Carolina Panthers' top three tight ends. Not so easy, is it? Well, that doesn't matter to the Panthers' coaching staff, who happen to believe their top trio of tight ends are more than good enough to get the job done. Truthfully, they're probably right. After all, the Panthers' offense isn'tCincinnati Bengals jersey
one that focuses on throwing many passes to its tight ends.Now that you've pondered and still can't name any of the Panthers' tight ends, I'll clue you in. Kris Mangum, Mike Seidman and Michael Gaines make up the team's triumvirate. Obviously, none are household names by any stretch of the imagination. Still, they manage to do what they're supposed to, which is block, contribute on special teams and not take foolish, costly penalties.The 32-year-old Mangum has been a member of the Panthers for his whole career, which dates back to 1997. Quietly, he's been making a difference as a member of the Panthers throughout his time in the league; Mangum's also the second best tight end in franchise history, behind Wesley Walls, who caught 325 passes between '97-2002 with Carolina.In his eight seasons with the organization, Mangum has pulled in a solid 130 receptions. That only averages to about 16 per season, but it's good enough for an offense that uses its tight ends primarily for blocking. It was different in Walls' days, but offensive coordinator Dan Henning likes to utilize the team's most skilled weapons, instead of having the tight ends catch many passes.Mangum may not be the most enticing or athletic tight end in the league today, but he has the intangibles that coaching staffs look for: Cleveland Browns jersey
character, leadership, coach-ability and consistency. Carolina's head coach, John Fox, possesses great traits as well, so he can relate to Mangum. In fact, on a team that has been one of the NFC's best since Fox's arrival four years ago, character might be its best asset. Mangum joins other key Panthers such as Jake Delhomme, Steve Smith, Julius Peppers, Mike Rucker, Dan Morgan and Mike Minter as players with great character. Honestly, the Panthers are among the few teams in the league that lack a disruptive locker room force, unless you count newly acquired receiver Keyshawn Johnson. However, the man formerly known as "Meshawn" has seemingly cleaned up his act.Throw in Seidman and Gaines, two extra blockers, and the Panthers' top trio is just fine. They also added former Virginia Tech difference-maker Jeff King in the fifth round of last month's draft, so the Panthers seem all set. For Henning and Fox, all that's needed is blocking, solid special teams play and the occasional catch from this pack of unknowns. The rest of the offense can be left up Dallas Cowboys jersey
to Delhomme, Smith, Keyshawn and the running back strength, which runs four deep. Frankly, that should be good enough to make for an elite, ball-control, big-play offense in '06 for the Panthers, and that spells bad things for the rest of the NFC South.--Get more on the Carolina Panthers' offense
one that focuses on throwing many passes to its tight ends.Now that you've pondered and still can't name any of the Panthers' tight ends, I'll clue you in. Kris Mangum, Mike Seidman and Michael Gaines make up the team's triumvirate. Obviously, none are household names by any stretch of the imagination. Still, they manage to do what they're supposed to, which is block, contribute on special teams and not take foolish, costly penalties.The 32-year-old Mangum has been a member of the Panthers for his whole career, which dates back to 1997. Quietly, he's been making a difference as a member of the Panthers throughout his time in the league; Mangum's also the second best tight end in franchise history, behind Wesley Walls, who caught 325 passes between '97-2002 with Carolina.In his eight seasons with the organization, Mangum has pulled in a solid 130 receptions. That only averages to about 16 per season, but it's good enough for an offense that uses its tight ends primarily for blocking. It was different in Walls' days, but offensive coordinator Dan Henning likes to utilize the team's most skilled weapons, instead of having the tight ends catch many passes.Mangum may not be the most enticing or athletic tight end in the league today, but he has the intangibles that coaching staffs look for: Cleveland Browns jersey
character, leadership, coach-ability and consistency. Carolina's head coach, John Fox, possesses great traits as well, so he can relate to Mangum. In fact, on a team that has been one of the NFC's best since Fox's arrival four years ago, character might be its best asset. Mangum joins other key Panthers such as Jake Delhomme, Steve Smith, Julius Peppers, Mike Rucker, Dan Morgan and Mike Minter as players with great character. Honestly, the Panthers are among the few teams in the league that lack a disruptive locker room force, unless you count newly acquired receiver Keyshawn Johnson. However, the man formerly known as "Meshawn" has seemingly cleaned up his act.Throw in Seidman and Gaines, two extra blockers, and the Panthers' top trio is just fine. They also added former Virginia Tech difference-maker Jeff King in the fifth round of last month's draft, so the Panthers seem all set. For Henning and Fox, all that's needed is blocking, solid special teams play and the occasional catch from this pack of unknowns. The rest of the offense can be left up Dallas Cowboys jersey
to Delhomme, Smith, Keyshawn and the running back strength, which runs four deep. Frankly, that should be good enough to make for an elite, ball-control, big-play offense in '06 for the Panthers, and that spells bad things for the rest of the NFC South.--Get more on the Carolina Panthers' offense
13 Jan 11 Pivot Points: Kobe Bryant's Teammates Not Bearing Fair Share of Lakers' Burdens
Ronald Martinez/Getty ImagesFor the duration of this NBA season, Kobe Bryant has carried his Los Angeles Laker teammates to the top of the NBA standings on the weight of some Herculean efforts and timely clutch shooting.Through the pain of a broken finger, constant double teams, injuries to other players, and subparNew York Giants jersey
performances from his bench, Kobe has persevered, and at a time when he needs his teammates the most, they have been unable to answer the bell.Bryant has visibly suffered from his finger injury recently and was forced to sit out the fourth quarter against the San Antonio Spurs due to back spasms, and his team responded by being outscored 18-5 to close the game.Kobe is criticized for taking too many shots, but who in his stead has been assertive enough to be considered a legitimate alternative to Bryant? Pau Gasol for sure, but the Lakers don't expect him to return until this weekend against the Los Angeles Clippers.In truth, it could be longer, because hamstring injuries are tedious and the time frame for recovery drifts more to the speculative side rather than the specific, and is based more on the general feel of the player.So who steps up to share the load with Bryant? Ron Artest suffered a finger sprain of his own and is now listed as day to day, and the other members of the team have proven ill equipped for the job.Center Andrew Bynum had a strong showing against a team with superior inside strength with 23 points and 12 rebounds against the Spurs, but his performances have lacked consistency and aggressiveness, and trade rumors have began to swirl.I'm not sure if the Lakers would move Bynum, but to even consider it is a shift in previous Laker strategy, which envisioned Bynum as a cornerstone of the team far into the future.The other obvious suspect would be Lamar Odom, but afterdisplaying an unusually aggressive manner in offseason contract negotiations, Odom has reverted to his talented, meek, and inconsistent self.Sure, he shows up all over the stat sheet, but never in the dominant way his skills suggest he could, and his demeanor has never included traces of the alpha-male trait which would be New York Jets jersey
very useful in the time of Kobe's pain.And pain it has been, as Bryant has endured through a shooting slump caused by a hard hit on the finger against the Portland Trail Blazers, and the Lakers are mired in a slump which has seen them dropthree of four games.Bryant shot nowhere near as bad against the Spurs as he did in a 95-77 win against the hapless Milwaukee Bucks, where he went 4-for-21 from the field, or in the game against Portland where he scored 32 points on 37 shots.But the effects of the injury have began to show, and the Lakers can't afford to shut Bryant down for any significant portion of the season if they are to maintain their now vulnerable lead in the Western Conference.Bryant will always account for the majority of the Lakers' success simply because of the wide range of skills he possesses and the hunger and passion in which he approaches the game.But the Lakers' ailing captain is in need of a little reciprocation of the loveand the ability for his teammates to step up and help will aid Los Angeles now and further down the road.Kobe has been an iron man throughout his career, and this recent slide is sure to subside eventually, but the Lakers need to establish another player who can carry the team in his absence.The health of Gasol is paramount as he has really been the onlyLaker who has seemed Oakland Raiders jersey
to consistently produce outside of Bryant's umbrella, as his peers may have fallen victim to an over-reliance on Bryant.The time has not come to hit the panic button, but a little Laker self-reflection may be in order as Los Angeles finds itself faced with its first real adversity of the season.In order for the Lakers to keep their heads above the waters of the Western Conference, someone will have to step up and play alongside Bryant rather than in his shadow. Who might that Laker be?
performances from his bench, Kobe has persevered, and at a time when he needs his teammates the most, they have been unable to answer the bell.Bryant has visibly suffered from his finger injury recently and was forced to sit out the fourth quarter against the San Antonio Spurs due to back spasms, and his team responded by being outscored 18-5 to close the game.Kobe is criticized for taking too many shots, but who in his stead has been assertive enough to be considered a legitimate alternative to Bryant? Pau Gasol for sure, but the Lakers don't expect him to return until this weekend against the Los Angeles Clippers.In truth, it could be longer, because hamstring injuries are tedious and the time frame for recovery drifts more to the speculative side rather than the specific, and is based more on the general feel of the player.So who steps up to share the load with Bryant? Ron Artest suffered a finger sprain of his own and is now listed as day to day, and the other members of the team have proven ill equipped for the job.Center Andrew Bynum had a strong showing against a team with superior inside strength with 23 points and 12 rebounds against the Spurs, but his performances have lacked consistency and aggressiveness, and trade rumors have began to swirl.I'm not sure if the Lakers would move Bynum, but to even consider it is a shift in previous Laker strategy, which envisioned Bynum as a cornerstone of the team far into the future.The other obvious suspect would be Lamar Odom, but afterdisplaying an unusually aggressive manner in offseason contract negotiations, Odom has reverted to his talented, meek, and inconsistent self.Sure, he shows up all over the stat sheet, but never in the dominant way his skills suggest he could, and his demeanor has never included traces of the alpha-male trait which would be New York Jets jersey
very useful in the time of Kobe's pain.And pain it has been, as Bryant has endured through a shooting slump caused by a hard hit on the finger against the Portland Trail Blazers, and the Lakers are mired in a slump which has seen them dropthree of four games.Bryant shot nowhere near as bad against the Spurs as he did in a 95-77 win against the hapless Milwaukee Bucks, where he went 4-for-21 from the field, or in the game against Portland where he scored 32 points on 37 shots.But the effects of the injury have began to show, and the Lakers can't afford to shut Bryant down for any significant portion of the season if they are to maintain their now vulnerable lead in the Western Conference.Bryant will always account for the majority of the Lakers' success simply because of the wide range of skills he possesses and the hunger and passion in which he approaches the game.But the Lakers' ailing captain is in need of a little reciprocation of the loveand the ability for his teammates to step up and help will aid Los Angeles now and further down the road.Kobe has been an iron man throughout his career, and this recent slide is sure to subside eventually, but the Lakers need to establish another player who can carry the team in his absence.The health of Gasol is paramount as he has really been the onlyLaker who has seemed Oakland Raiders jersey
to consistently produce outside of Bryant's umbrella, as his peers may have fallen victim to an over-reliance on Bryant.The time has not come to hit the panic button, but a little Laker self-reflection may be in order as Los Angeles finds itself faced with its first real adversity of the season.In order for the Lakers to keep their heads above the waters of the Western Conference, someone will have to step up and play alongside Bryant rather than in his shadow. Who might that Laker be?
13 Jan 11 Pivot Points: Kobe Bryant's Teammates Not Bearing Fair Share of Lakers' Burdens
Ronald Martinez/Getty ImagesFor the duration of this NBA season, Kobe Bryant has carried his Los Angeles Laker teammates to the top of the NBA standings on the weight of some Herculean efforts and timely clutch shooting.Through the pain of a broken finger, constant double teams, injuries to other players, and subparNew York Giants jersey
performances from his bench, Kobe has persevered, and at a time when he needs his teammates the most, they have been unable to answer the bell.Bryant has visibly suffered from his finger injury recently and was forced to sit out the fourth quarter against the San Antonio Spurs due to back spasms, and his team responded by being outscored 18-5 to close the game.Kobe is criticized for taking too many shots, but who in his stead has been assertive enough to be considered a legitimate alternative to Bryant? Pau Gasol for sure, but the Lakers don't expect him to return until this weekend against the Los Angeles Clippers.In truth, it could be longer, because hamstring injuries are tedious and the time frame for recovery drifts more to the speculative side rather than the specific, and is based more on the general feel of the player.So who steps up to share the load with Bryant? Ron Artest suffered a finger sprain of his own and is now listed as day to day, and the other members of the team have proven ill equipped for the job.Center Andrew Bynum had a strong showing against a team with superior inside strength with 23 points and 12 rebounds against the Spurs, but his performances have lacked consistency and aggressiveness, and trade rumors have began to swirl.I'm not sure if the Lakers would move Bynum, but to even consider it is a shift in previous Laker strategy, which envisioned Bynum as a cornerstone of the team far into the future.The other obvious suspect would be Lamar Odom, but afterdisplaying an unusually aggressive manner in offseason contract negotiations, Odom has reverted to his talented, meek, and inconsistent self.Sure, he shows up all over the stat sheet, but never in the dominant way his skills suggest he could, and his demeanor has never included traces of the alpha-male trait which would be New York Jets jersey
very useful in the time of Kobe's pain.And pain it has been, as Bryant has endured through a shooting slump caused by a hard hit on the finger against the Portland Trail Blazers, and the Lakers are mired in a slump which has seen them dropthree of four games.Bryant shot nowhere near as bad against the Spurs as he did in a 95-77 win against the hapless Milwaukee Bucks, where he went 4-for-21 from the field, or in the game against Portland where he scored 32 points on 37 shots.But the effects of the injury have began to show, and the Lakers can't afford to shut Bryant down for any significant portion of the season if they are to maintain their now vulnerable lead in the Western Conference.Bryant will always account for the majority of the Lakers' success simply because of the wide range of skills he possesses and the hunger and passion in which he approaches the game.But the Lakers' ailing captain is in need of a little reciprocation of the loveand the ability for his teammates to step up and help will aid Los Angeles now and further down the road.Kobe has been an iron man throughout his career, and this recent slide is sure to subside eventually, but the Lakers need to establish another player who can carry the team in his absence.The health of Gasol is paramount as he has really been the onlyLaker who has seemed Oakland Raiders jersey
to consistently produce outside of Bryant's umbrella, as his peers may have fallen victim to an over-reliance on Bryant.The time has not come to hit the panic button, but a little Laker self-reflection may be in order as Los Angeles finds itself faced with its first real adversity of the season.In order for the Lakers to keep their heads above the waters of the Western Conference, someone will have to step up and play alongside Bryant rather than in his shadow. Who might that Laker be?
performances from his bench, Kobe has persevered, and at a time when he needs his teammates the most, they have been unable to answer the bell.Bryant has visibly suffered from his finger injury recently and was forced to sit out the fourth quarter against the San Antonio Spurs due to back spasms, and his team responded by being outscored 18-5 to close the game.Kobe is criticized for taking too many shots, but who in his stead has been assertive enough to be considered a legitimate alternative to Bryant? Pau Gasol for sure, but the Lakers don't expect him to return until this weekend against the Los Angeles Clippers.In truth, it could be longer, because hamstring injuries are tedious and the time frame for recovery drifts more to the speculative side rather than the specific, and is based more on the general feel of the player.So who steps up to share the load with Bryant? Ron Artest suffered a finger sprain of his own and is now listed as day to day, and the other members of the team have proven ill equipped for the job.Center Andrew Bynum had a strong showing against a team with superior inside strength with 23 points and 12 rebounds against the Spurs, but his performances have lacked consistency and aggressiveness, and trade rumors have began to swirl.I'm not sure if the Lakers would move Bynum, but to even consider it is a shift in previous Laker strategy, which envisioned Bynum as a cornerstone of the team far into the future.The other obvious suspect would be Lamar Odom, but afterdisplaying an unusually aggressive manner in offseason contract negotiations, Odom has reverted to his talented, meek, and inconsistent self.Sure, he shows up all over the stat sheet, but never in the dominant way his skills suggest he could, and his demeanor has never included traces of the alpha-male trait which would be New York Jets jersey
very useful in the time of Kobe's pain.And pain it has been, as Bryant has endured through a shooting slump caused by a hard hit on the finger against the Portland Trail Blazers, and the Lakers are mired in a slump which has seen them dropthree of four games.Bryant shot nowhere near as bad against the Spurs as he did in a 95-77 win against the hapless Milwaukee Bucks, where he went 4-for-21 from the field, or in the game against Portland where he scored 32 points on 37 shots.But the effects of the injury have began to show, and the Lakers can't afford to shut Bryant down for any significant portion of the season if they are to maintain their now vulnerable lead in the Western Conference.Bryant will always account for the majority of the Lakers' success simply because of the wide range of skills he possesses and the hunger and passion in which he approaches the game.But the Lakers' ailing captain is in need of a little reciprocation of the loveand the ability for his teammates to step up and help will aid Los Angeles now and further down the road.Kobe has been an iron man throughout his career, and this recent slide is sure to subside eventually, but the Lakers need to establish another player who can carry the team in his absence.The health of Gasol is paramount as he has really been the onlyLaker who has seemed Oakland Raiders jersey
to consistently produce outside of Bryant's umbrella, as his peers may have fallen victim to an over-reliance on Bryant.The time has not come to hit the panic button, but a little Laker self-reflection may be in order as Los Angeles finds itself faced with its first real adversity of the season.In order for the Lakers to keep their heads above the waters of the Western Conference, someone will have to step up and play alongside Bryant rather than in his shadow. Who might that Laker be?
12 Jan 11 Gilbert Arenas, Javaris Crittenton: Stern's Punishment Not Harsh Enough
Brendan Smialowski/Getty ImagesAmerica has seen a drastic increase in gun violence during the past 30 years. Professional athletes have been getting caught up in the whirlwind in recent years as well. It is a shame that this even has to be pointed out.Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton pulled guns on each other in Reebok Pittsburgh Steelers James Harrison Realtree camo Jersey
the Washington Wizards' locker room while feuding over a supposed bet gone wrong. Gun violence to resolve a bad bet? That sounds like more of a city alley or a casino back room than an NBA dressing room. The NBA already has rules in place preventing possession of guns in any workplace of the league, loaded or unloaded. Arenas and Crittenton have broken that ruleas well as several local and federal laws. All they received were season-ending suspensions.Let me put this in context: Two grown men who are both well-off financially and have relatively good job security pulled guns on each other because of an unresolved betting issue. I read stories about these kinds of events every day in the newspaper, and they have a very different result. Usually one or both persons are injured or killed, and usually, an innocent bystander is almost hit or injured.The response and sanctions from NBA Commissioner David Stern should have had no relation to the criminal investigations. Arenas and Crittenton should be banned from the NBA and all associated events, arenas and everywhere else. People have pointed out that Arenas has already lost $7 million in salary from his current suspension. That is only $7 million to a man who has already earned millions in salary and endorsement deals. I find it offensive that people even consider this a legitimate argument for approving of his suspension.With other players like Stephen Jackson firing seven rounds outside a nightclub and another player being arrested for illegal possession of firearmsincluding a Reebok San Francisco 49ers #21 Frank GORE Realtree camo Jersey
shotgun in a guitar caseallowing these clowns to continue in the NBA is a grave injustice.There are no other jobs in the world where pulling a firearm on a coworker in the workplace would be tolerated and punished by only a few months' suspension without pay. It does not matter how remorseful the pair appear to be in front of the commissioner or anyone else. The pair should have been banned for life instantly from any NBA- associated program or venue.With the amount of black-on-black violence in America and the number of guns used in those instances, I believe Stern skipped out on several great opportunities to make an impact on young African-American teens' minds. He could have shown that no matter how hard you work to achieve a professional career, if you think guns solve problems, then you have no place in a professional organization.Stern could have helped reverse the current trends sweeping professional sports and the role models of most of America's youth. Instead, he decided to sweep it under the rug and allow the impact of gun violence to Reebok Washington Redskins #98 ORAKPO Realtree camo Jersey
go unpunished. Stern showed that he cares too much for revenue and keeping the status quo than for using his position for good: showing there is no tolerance for gun violence in America, no matter how many jerseys you sell or what your points-per-game average is.
the Washington Wizards' locker room while feuding over a supposed bet gone wrong. Gun violence to resolve a bad bet? That sounds like more of a city alley or a casino back room than an NBA dressing room. The NBA already has rules in place preventing possession of guns in any workplace of the league, loaded or unloaded. Arenas and Crittenton have broken that ruleas well as several local and federal laws. All they received were season-ending suspensions.Let me put this in context: Two grown men who are both well-off financially and have relatively good job security pulled guns on each other because of an unresolved betting issue. I read stories about these kinds of events every day in the newspaper, and they have a very different result. Usually one or both persons are injured or killed, and usually, an innocent bystander is almost hit or injured.The response and sanctions from NBA Commissioner David Stern should have had no relation to the criminal investigations. Arenas and Crittenton should be banned from the NBA and all associated events, arenas and everywhere else. People have pointed out that Arenas has already lost $7 million in salary from his current suspension. That is only $7 million to a man who has already earned millions in salary and endorsement deals. I find it offensive that people even consider this a legitimate argument for approving of his suspension.With other players like Stephen Jackson firing seven rounds outside a nightclub and another player being arrested for illegal possession of firearmsincluding a Reebok San Francisco 49ers #21 Frank GORE Realtree camo Jersey
shotgun in a guitar caseallowing these clowns to continue in the NBA is a grave injustice.There are no other jobs in the world where pulling a firearm on a coworker in the workplace would be tolerated and punished by only a few months' suspension without pay. It does not matter how remorseful the pair appear to be in front of the commissioner or anyone else. The pair should have been banned for life instantly from any NBA- associated program or venue.With the amount of black-on-black violence in America and the number of guns used in those instances, I believe Stern skipped out on several great opportunities to make an impact on young African-American teens' minds. He could have shown that no matter how hard you work to achieve a professional career, if you think guns solve problems, then you have no place in a professional organization.Stern could have helped reverse the current trends sweeping professional sports and the role models of most of America's youth. Instead, he decided to sweep it under the rug and allow the impact of gun violence to Reebok Washington Redskins #98 ORAKPO Realtree camo Jersey
go unpunished. Stern showed that he cares too much for revenue and keeping the status quo than for using his position for good: showing there is no tolerance for gun violence in America, no matter how many jerseys you sell or what your points-per-game average is.
12 Jan 11 Top Five Most Underrated Players in the NBA
Streeter Lecka/Getty ImagesSome players are just forgotten about and don't get enough credit. It may be because they are on a bad team. It may be because they don't market themselves as well as LeBron might. Yet, they come out and perform without praise from the major sports' media outlets. Underrated players are Reebok Minnesota Vikings #69 Jared Allen Realtree camo Jersey
defined by how good they are versus how much credit they receive.On the other hand there are players who receive far too much credit for their play. The players who get too much attention are players like Allen Iverson, Vince Carter, Tracy McGrady, Dwight Howard, Nate Robinson, Shaq , and J.R. Smith. Too much of the time attention is given to flamboyant, flashy players over fundamental, consistent players. That is why I am making a list of the most underrated players in the NBA. Someone has to give them credit. I will be judging this list by stats, their value to their team, and how much attention they get.1. Gerald WallaceGerald Wallace is only the third player ever to average two blocks and two steals. Yet, he has never made an All-Star game until this year. He is hardly ever mentioned simply because he plays for the Bobcats. If the playoffs were today, the Bobcats would be the eighth seed in the east with a overall record of 22-22, all thanks to Gerald Wallace. This year Wallace is averaging 18.6 points, 11 rebounds, 1.6 steals and 1.8 blocks.2. Chris BoshChris Reebok New England Patriots #12 Tom Brady Realtree camo Jersey
Bosh scores very consistently but is never talked about as being the best power forward in the NBA. He has the best stats out of all power forwards in the league. Bosh averages 24 points and 11 boards. He has a great high post game, and at times he is basically unstoppable. He is probably underrated because his team has a bad overall record, likewise he plays in a small market city.3. David LeeDavid Lee works hard night in and night out. Yet, he doesn't receive any credit because he plays on the Knicks. Lee averages 19 points and 11 rebounds while shooting 55 percent from the field. Those are All-Star stats and he deserves All-Star recognition. I know he is not an exciting player, never does fancy dunks, or chucks powder in the air making a mess like LeBron. But, you shouldn't have to do that to receive attention.4. Brook LopezBrook Lopez is a solid center who can give you a double double on a consistent basis. Yet no one cares about him at all because he is an awfully boring player and because he plays on the depressing Nets. Whereas Shaq plays 23 minutes Reebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
a game and hardly does anything while receiving triple the credit.5. Antawn JamisonAntawn Jamison can hurt you from anywhere on the court. I think Gilbert Arenas' incident took everyone's attention away from Jamison's abilities as a player. Jamison is averaging 21 points and eight rebounds. He is one of the best power forwards in NBA. I think he should be mentioned more often as such.
defined by how good they are versus how much credit they receive.On the other hand there are players who receive far too much credit for their play. The players who get too much attention are players like Allen Iverson, Vince Carter, Tracy McGrady, Dwight Howard, Nate Robinson, Shaq , and J.R. Smith. Too much of the time attention is given to flamboyant, flashy players over fundamental, consistent players. That is why I am making a list of the most underrated players in the NBA. Someone has to give them credit. I will be judging this list by stats, their value to their team, and how much attention they get.1. Gerald WallaceGerald Wallace is only the third player ever to average two blocks and two steals. Yet, he has never made an All-Star game until this year. He is hardly ever mentioned simply because he plays for the Bobcats. If the playoffs were today, the Bobcats would be the eighth seed in the east with a overall record of 22-22, all thanks to Gerald Wallace. This year Wallace is averaging 18.6 points, 11 rebounds, 1.6 steals and 1.8 blocks.2. Chris BoshChris Reebok New England Patriots #12 Tom Brady Realtree camo Jersey
Bosh scores very consistently but is never talked about as being the best power forward in the NBA. He has the best stats out of all power forwards in the league. Bosh averages 24 points and 11 boards. He has a great high post game, and at times he is basically unstoppable. He is probably underrated because his team has a bad overall record, likewise he plays in a small market city.3. David LeeDavid Lee works hard night in and night out. Yet, he doesn't receive any credit because he plays on the Knicks. Lee averages 19 points and 11 rebounds while shooting 55 percent from the field. Those are All-Star stats and he deserves All-Star recognition. I know he is not an exciting player, never does fancy dunks, or chucks powder in the air making a mess like LeBron. But, you shouldn't have to do that to receive attention.4. Brook LopezBrook Lopez is a solid center who can give you a double double on a consistent basis. Yet no one cares about him at all because he is an awfully boring player and because he plays on the depressing Nets. Whereas Shaq plays 23 minutes Reebok New Orleans Saints #9 Drew Brees Realtree camo Jersey
a game and hardly does anything while receiving triple the credit.5. Antawn JamisonAntawn Jamison can hurt you from anywhere on the court. I think Gilbert Arenas' incident took everyone's attention away from Jamison's abilities as a player. Jamison is averaging 21 points and eight rebounds. He is one of the best power forwards in NBA. I think he should be mentioned more often as such.
10 Jan 11 NBA Trades: Tyrus Thomas Has The Opportunity To Blossom For Bobcats
Christian Petersen/Getty ImagesThe brief NBA career of Tyrus Thomas has been filled with valuable teaching moments which the youngster sometimes failed to grasp, and his lack of progression is one of the reasons the Chicago Bulls were willing to part with him.Throw in a questionable attitude, a perception that he was Carolina Panthers jersey
hard to coach, and a rash of injuries, and you have the perfect recipe to derail a promising future before it has a chance to start.Life is all about second chances and the NBA mirrors that concept, so Thomas has been given the opportunity to revive his career in Charlotte, playing for Larry Brown, a coach all-to-familiar with difficult personalities.Talent or skill has never been an issue for Thomas who was blessed with other-wordly athleticism and great leaping ability, but discipline, instinct, and the ability to accept instruction has.So Thomas getsa return to the classroom for a coach who is renown as a teacher, and is unafraid to impose his will on the practice court or during the game, in order to persuade his team to adhere to his scheme.Brown may be exactly what Thomas needs as his brief time in the league has been highlighted by displays of immaturity and very public clashes with his coach and teammates.Thomas could have benefitted frommore time at LSU because even though he has shown the potential to be a breath-taking player, he is lacking in the fundamentals department, and most of his game relies on sheer athleticism.Although his skills are limited, the third year player still managed to average nine points and 6.3 rebounds with the Bulls, while also accounting for almost two blocks per game, so imagine what he could do if he ever learned to play.In Charlotte Thomas will get that chance and he will be able to sit on the bench and observe the play of Boris Diaw, one of the more fundamentally sound power forwards in the NBA.Diaw isn't blessed with Thomas' athletic ability but he does have a keen understanding of the game and he is well-disciplined on the style that Brown prefers to see on the floor.So it would serve Thomas well to take advantage of the gift which hasbeen presented to him because a Cincinnati Bengals jersey
player only gets so many second chances, and if he can't learn the game from Brown, then he lacks the capacity to learn.Thomas has the chance to bey a key piece to a team seeking it's first postseason spot, and he becomes another athletic player to go along with Stephen Jackson, Gerald Wallace, and Raymond Felton.Success however lies entirely in the hands of Thomas, and demonstrating he has learned from some of his past trials will go miles in determining how bright his future really could be.
hard to coach, and a rash of injuries, and you have the perfect recipe to derail a promising future before it has a chance to start.Life is all about second chances and the NBA mirrors that concept, so Thomas has been given the opportunity to revive his career in Charlotte, playing for Larry Brown, a coach all-to-familiar with difficult personalities.Talent or skill has never been an issue for Thomas who was blessed with other-wordly athleticism and great leaping ability, but discipline, instinct, and the ability to accept instruction has.So Thomas getsa return to the classroom for a coach who is renown as a teacher, and is unafraid to impose his will on the practice court or during the game, in order to persuade his team to adhere to his scheme.Brown may be exactly what Thomas needs as his brief time in the league has been highlighted by displays of immaturity and very public clashes with his coach and teammates.Thomas could have benefitted frommore time at LSU because even though he has shown the potential to be a breath-taking player, he is lacking in the fundamentals department, and most of his game relies on sheer athleticism.Although his skills are limited, the third year player still managed to average nine points and 6.3 rebounds with the Bulls, while also accounting for almost two blocks per game, so imagine what he could do if he ever learned to play.In Charlotte Thomas will get that chance and he will be able to sit on the bench and observe the play of Boris Diaw, one of the more fundamentally sound power forwards in the NBA.Diaw isn't blessed with Thomas' athletic ability but he does have a keen understanding of the game and he is well-disciplined on the style that Brown prefers to see on the floor.So it would serve Thomas well to take advantage of the gift which hasbeen presented to him because a Cincinnati Bengals jersey
player only gets so many second chances, and if he can't learn the game from Brown, then he lacks the capacity to learn.Thomas has the chance to bey a key piece to a team seeking it's first postseason spot, and he becomes another athletic player to go along with Stephen Jackson, Gerald Wallace, and Raymond Felton.Success however lies entirely in the hands of Thomas, and demonstrating he has learned from some of his past trials will go miles in determining how bright his future really could be.
9 Jan 11 Lebron Stay Clear of LA We Want To Win Not Choke In The Playoffs.
SATIRE Last night I was aimlessly browsing the web when I came across a handful of notable websites spreading the rumour that "Lebron James would be joing the Lakers next year. After laughing myself to an uncontrollable frenzy for the next 5 mins, I sat back and did the unthinkable, I considered it.This is Reebok Chicago Bears #6 Jay Cutler Realtree camo Jersey
what I came upwith, the move would be good for the Lakers, not great. My reasoning behind that is the Lakers have proven they can win a championship without Lebron. So in retrospect Lebrons would need LA, not vice versa.They most certain would be able to win a ring with him also, but you also take a chance of a major malfunction occuring with two alpha males going at each others neck for the lead role.The Lakers would go on to win atleast the next4 titles they have the chance to do that now, but with Lebron and Kobe it would be a much easier road to sucess if it worked.On the other hand this would be great for Lebron! With his star power, he would not only pile up the rings, but he will land more endorsements, hell maybe even spark up a acting career in Tinsel Town.With the media handing over every thing to Lebron except a ring and a day as the Commander in Chief, Lebron would probally get the credit for the Lakers winning the title. Even though he couldn't win one on his own coming out of the weaker Eastern Conference.Let face it the Lakers are Reebok Dallas Cowboys #82 Jason Witten Realtree camo Jersey
all about Championships and so far Lebron has not shownthat he can play on that championship level. He is doen alot of mind bobbling things he possesses many traits but a heart of a champion isn't one of them.This scenenariowouldunfortunately be bad for the NBA. Bad for Nike, and reallyreally bad for ESPN. Nike would have to scrap there overly competitive muppet rivalry. It would make it that much more difficult for ESPN to discredit Kobe's achivements and praise Lebron's performances.(Even though I'm certain they would still find a way).Last but not Reebok Dallas Cowboys #9 Tony Romo Realtree camo Jersey
least it would totally eliminate thecompetiton around the league. Imagine if Magic and Larry Bird was on the same squad, what would of became of the NBA during the 80's. What if Isiah Thomas would of gotten traded to the Bulls? What if Dwight Howard got traded to the Phoenix Suns? It would take away from the sportsmanship and integrity of the game. and the way I see it hasn't Tim Donaghy done enough of that already.
what I came upwith, the move would be good for the Lakers, not great. My reasoning behind that is the Lakers have proven they can win a championship without Lebron. So in retrospect Lebrons would need LA, not vice versa.They most certain would be able to win a ring with him also, but you also take a chance of a major malfunction occuring with two alpha males going at each others neck for the lead role.The Lakers would go on to win atleast the next4 titles they have the chance to do that now, but with Lebron and Kobe it would be a much easier road to sucess if it worked.On the other hand this would be great for Lebron! With his star power, he would not only pile up the rings, but he will land more endorsements, hell maybe even spark up a acting career in Tinsel Town.With the media handing over every thing to Lebron except a ring and a day as the Commander in Chief, Lebron would probally get the credit for the Lakers winning the title. Even though he couldn't win one on his own coming out of the weaker Eastern Conference.Let face it the Lakers are Reebok Dallas Cowboys #82 Jason Witten Realtree camo Jersey
all about Championships and so far Lebron has not shownthat he can play on that championship level. He is doen alot of mind bobbling things he possesses many traits but a heart of a champion isn't one of them.This scenenariowouldunfortunately be bad for the NBA. Bad for Nike, and reallyreally bad for ESPN. Nike would have to scrap there overly competitive muppet rivalry. It would make it that much more difficult for ESPN to discredit Kobe's achivements and praise Lebron's performances.(Even though I'm certain they would still find a way).Last but not Reebok Dallas Cowboys #9 Tony Romo Realtree camo Jersey
least it would totally eliminate thecompetiton around the league. Imagine if Magic and Larry Bird was on the same squad, what would of became of the NBA during the 80's. What if Isiah Thomas would of gotten traded to the Bulls? What if Dwight Howard got traded to the Phoenix Suns? It would take away from the sportsmanship and integrity of the game. and the way I see it hasn't Tim Donaghy done enough of that already.
8 Jan 11 Antoine Wright Puts Up Zeros On the Road
Nick Laham/Getty ImagesOne of the nice surprises this season has been the emergence of Antoine Wright as a viable and effective rotation player.Considered a defensive role player, Wright was one of the Raptors important offensive contributors during their successful run in January and February.For two Reebok Green Bay Packers #52 Clay Matthews Realtree camo Jersey
months, the offensively challenged Wright averaged 7.1 points on a decent 45 percent shooting and hit on over 40 percent of his three-pointers. A poor man Bruce Bowen in the making?But Wright offensive resurgence flagged in March and during the recent four game road trip, Wright was a perfect 0-8 from the field and 0-5 from three. And the Raptors missed what had become a reliable three-point threat from the corner.One has to hope his recent shooting woes are the result of some minor nagging injury or just a temporary set-back and not a return to Wright historically offensive ineffectiveness. That "sprained" ankle in Portland had nothing to do with Wright's 0-8 shooting over the four road games.Wright started out the season shooting a career low 34 percent from the field. Unfortunately his 31 Reebok Indianapolis Colts 18 Peyton Manning Realtree camo Jersey
percent shooting from three was actually an improvement from his last two seasons. The result was the disappearance of Wright into the Jay Triano doghouse in the second half of December.And during Wright previous four NBA seasons, he has been a five point, two rebound role player who averaged 41 percent from the field and 30 percent from three. Now in 55 games with the Raptors, those averages are reappearing.But it is easy to forget that Antoine Wright is just 26 year-old and the improvements seen during last year playoffs with Dallas Reebok Minnesota Vikings 28 Adrian Peterson Realtree camo Jersey
and in the last two months in Toronto could be sign of Wright continuing development as a player. There is a case for Antoine Wright.Wright has a strong incentive to find his February production of 9.1 points on better than 40 percent shooting and 37.5 percent from three. At the end of this season, Antoine Wright is a free agent.And in a year filled with free agents, Wright knows that he has to finish strong if he is get that next NBA contract.
months, the offensively challenged Wright averaged 7.1 points on a decent 45 percent shooting and hit on over 40 percent of his three-pointers. A poor man Bruce Bowen in the making?But Wright offensive resurgence flagged in March and during the recent four game road trip, Wright was a perfect 0-8 from the field and 0-5 from three. And the Raptors missed what had become a reliable three-point threat from the corner.One has to hope his recent shooting woes are the result of some minor nagging injury or just a temporary set-back and not a return to Wright historically offensive ineffectiveness. That "sprained" ankle in Portland had nothing to do with Wright's 0-8 shooting over the four road games.Wright started out the season shooting a career low 34 percent from the field. Unfortunately his 31 Reebok Indianapolis Colts 18 Peyton Manning Realtree camo Jersey
percent shooting from three was actually an improvement from his last two seasons. The result was the disappearance of Wright into the Jay Triano doghouse in the second half of December.And during Wright previous four NBA seasons, he has been a five point, two rebound role player who averaged 41 percent from the field and 30 percent from three. Now in 55 games with the Raptors, those averages are reappearing.But it is easy to forget that Antoine Wright is just 26 year-old and the improvements seen during last year playoffs with Dallas Reebok Minnesota Vikings 28 Adrian Peterson Realtree camo Jersey
and in the last two months in Toronto could be sign of Wright continuing development as a player. There is a case for Antoine Wright.Wright has a strong incentive to find his February production of 9.1 points on better than 40 percent shooting and 37.5 percent from three. At the end of this season, Antoine Wright is a free agent.And in a year filled with free agents, Wright knows that he has to finish strong if he is get that next NBA contract.
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