
When Should You Book Multiple Domain Names?

Ok so you have got one domain name, it seems to be working quite nicely for you. Are our thinking of adding a few more, do you need multiple domain names?

Having multiple domain names or having bulk domain name registrations have many good qualities and sets of benefits. Buying bulk domain names, will keep competitors from trying to take your branding or name. Buying bulk domain names can lessen the efforts of nfl jerseya sneak attack on your domain name, and is a great strategy that can add traffic to your site.

There are a few things to consider when deciding to buy bulk domain names and doing a bulk name registration.

1. Spelling of the domain name: Misspelling- always take your main domain name and misspell it. The reason for this is, not all of us can spell, and sometimes if the domain name is a hard name to remember, misspelling occurs. Registering bulk domain names in misspellings will help redirect to your main site.
2. Plural & Singular : Not only is using misspelled domain names a great idea, so is using singular and plural versions0
3. Hyphenated: You do not want to use hyphenated domain names as your main site, but when buying bulk domain names and registering bulk domain names, using hyphenated names as a alternative is often a good idea.
4. Type-In Traffic- Domain names are purchased for branding, but also to direct traffic to your site. Type-in traffic is where the user will type in only the keyword followed by .com instead of doing a keyword search. This will help capture and direct traffic to your site by using type in traffic with redirects.

Using bulk domain names you need to make sure cheap nfl jerseys you register and set them up correctly. You do not want to be considered duplicate site or incur content penalties by not setting them up correctly. This alone is bad business practice whether it was meant to happen or not.

Registering bulk domain names need to be set up under a 301 permanent redirect. This informs the search engine that the URL was moved to another area and will point to your main URL. This automatically takes your visitor to your site, and they do not see the other sites in between. This is the safest way to be redirected to your main site.

It's cut throat out there in the world of domain names, feast or famine. Making an existence on the web often times requires bulk domain name registration. Since domain names are much like our personal home addresses, we NEED a domain name. Domain name buyers often buy and register domain names in bulk for resell. There are many reputable domain name resellers and registrars out there that can help pick out and choose the right domain names in bulk for your needs.

If you're going it alone, it is often better to register your domain names in bulk simply for pricing reasons. Many times you may have a handful of good thought out domain names, but don't know which one to pick, register them all and have the alternate choices redirected to your main URL. Registering bulk domain names also has the benefit of letting you the owner, decide on parts of nfl jerseys the website you would like to draw attention to. It's a win win situation at that point. No hassle.

