essential oil of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Latin name) is considered the safest of all essential oils used in aromatherapy. However, it is recommended that this versatile oil in the first three months of nfl jersey
pregnancy is used, it is always a possibility that they may cause a miscarriage. The fact is that, while lavender is a natural, essential oils contain the essence extracted from plants and are very powerful. That is, there are many ways to help, lavender in the last months of pregnancy. It is particularly beneficial for stretch marks. This may seem in the later stages of pregnancy in the thighs and abdomen. Massage four drops of lavender is prevented with palm trees full of jojoba oil in the abdomen and thighs one day the formation of stretch marks and reduce their appearance when they have already begun to form. The skin tends to dry during the pregnancy, and the combination of lavender oil helps the skin retain its elasticity and moisturize. Lavender also helps fight against the daily stress of pregnancy, especially in the later stages, when the body is heavy and sleep disorders. Lavender relaxes and calms the nerves, tension, stress and anxiety helps. It also helps relieve insomnia and a few drops on the pillow on retiring at night to help a good night's sleep.
During the work of lavender can be calm, and as an analgesic. Rub to relieve four drops of lavender with a full palm of jojoba oil mixed in the back back pain and has a calming effect. However, it should be noted that lavender should not be used at work, together with pethidine, an epidural or oxytocin / Piticon because he will be affected by its function. If you have any questions on this topic, contact your healthcare provider before using the oil. can help after the birth of Saints jersey
lavender relax a mother from the trauma of birth. Take a warm bath for eight drops of lavender with a full palm jojoba oil mixed added, relax, not just alleviate pain and prevent infection. The bath will also help relieve other conditions such as hemorrhoids, sore nipples or cracked, or poor milk supply.
Overall, be used with care, lavender can a great help during pregnancy and the period immediately following.