New York Jets coach Rex Ryan sat down with ESPN sideline reporter Michelle Tafoya for the "Sunday Conversation."
Among the topics were Monday night's game against the cheap nfl jerseys
Baltimore Ravens (his former team), his relationship with Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis and what cornerback Darrelle Revis means to the Jets.
Most compelling were Ryan's dismissive response to the idea his bravado puts his team in the crosshairs.
"Doesn't matter because we're putting a target on your team," Ryan said. "The target you put on our back isn't as anywhere close to the one we're putting on you. That's it. We're here on a mission to win a Super Bowl, and we're not here to make friends or Minnesota Vikings jersey
anything else. That's our mission.
"Bill Belichick is a way better cach than I am. There's no question. But I'm not afraid of him or anybody else. I know I'm a great coach, but more importantly I know the people in my organization. Our organization is as good as there is. We're set up to succeed because of the people around me."
Tafoya also asked Ryan about a recent comment he made to USA Today reporter Jon Saraceno about wanting the Jets to be hated around the league.
"The fact is, if Indianapolis Colts jersey
everybody hates you, you got to be pretty good," Ryan said. "Nobody hates a team that's going to win five games or something like that. They hate teams that are formidable. So, yes, I want to be that team."